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Stan Tomandl, MA, PWDipl & Ann Jacob, BA Ed, founders of Process Oriented Facilitation & Coma Communication, have specialized for 35 years in working with, researching, and teaching about people in altered consciousness: illness, dementia, delirium, grief, traumatic brain injury, coma, extreme states and other fragile and strong times in our living and dying.


Instructors and lifelong learners under the mentorship of Drs. Amy & Arnold Mindell at the Process Work Institute Graduate School, they both serve on the faculty of the Sacred Art of Living Center's Healing Practices at the End of Life, and Pathways Psychology Institute.


Ann and Stan have studied for 75 years in the school of life while ranching, wilderness homesteading, commercial fishing, raising seven children, navigating remote rivers in northern Canada, and now enjoy the 'wilds' of city life. 


"We are pushed and pulled by spiritual currents to gather people to share the deepest inner workings of our collective minds and hearts, creating a special atmosphere for the ordinary and the extra ordinary.

We find people’s essential inner rivers enriching for those drawn to navigate them, relieving when we take opportunities to join the current, and deeply connecting to ancient and modern traditions that form the living waters found everywhere on this earth."

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